Monday, January 15, 2007

So now I'm sick...

So not only did I rear end someone but now I am sick and I have succeeded in making my poor mother sick. Oh yes it was my master plan to making my long suffering mother horribly ill because that is exactly what I want to live with a big crybaby who won't take her medicine. In case you didn't guess my mother seems to think that I made her sick on purpose - which I did not do. She is terrible when she is sick! All she does is sniffle and complain and cough and whine. She won't take her medicine because she hates to do what she is told - grrr...what is she 3? I'm taking my medicine and I'm fine-ish *sigh* why won't she just take her medicine! Why do I even have to make her take her medicine - I can't wait to go to England - then I won't have to deal with 51 year old children - however goodness know what will happen if I'm not here to make sure she does what supposed to.
*sigh**cough* *sniffle* I'm sick too you know I want someone to take care of me :(
Oh woe is me I suppose. Whatever, colds can't last forver.


Flip Flops Anonymous said...

Join the sicky club!! I think i've used a few boxes of kleenex already...

Flip Flops Anonymous said...

ps - your mum is sure lucky to have you ;)