Thursday, January 18, 2007

Business Math - YUCK!

So yesterday was my first Business Math class. The real first one was supposed to be last Wednesday but we got snowed out. So since we missed a class my teacher decides to skip all the review that he had planned to do in class last week and just move on to new stuff. AHHHH! I haven't taken math in 6 six years! The last math class I took was in Grade 11. I can't remember how do anything! Chapters 1 - 4 in the textbook are all review so yesterday we started on Chapter 5. So I have resolved to buckle down and do the review all by myself. So I figured out that I have a total of 9 Chapters that I need to go through by Monday for both my classes. I always pair the wrong classes together. I either end up taking 1 easy class or 2 hard classes. I think I am going to need to disappear for awhile and hopefully be able to come out and play sometime before I move. :(

I have also noticed that I complain ALOT! I am sorry for that and will try to be more positive in the future :)


Smelly Melly said...

I just wanted to say that you were one of my first friends at the Fort, and I have never forgot. I am sorry that things are really busy, but I am really glad that you are finally taking some time-out for yourself. You will never regret it. when do you leave?

Megs said...

hahaha... i'm sorry sarah i'm not meaing to laugh, but it seems that the "complaining" blogs of today are hitting my funny bone..have no idea why...but UM you MUST come and play before you move! HELLO!!!!!!!

Flip Flops Anonymous said...

Math and I have never really been on 'good terms'. Although, ironically, I really enjoyed teaching Math (one of my biggest fears). I love you Sarah Cherry *see, there I go, using the last name!* Whenever you're free (har har) HANG OUT WITH US!!