Thursday, May 14, 2009

Busy Busy Busy...

So I've had a couple busy days this week.

I spent Saturday and mother's day letting my mom chill on the couch while I went though my boxes of crap stuff. I actually got that all completed with dear sister Becca's help. However, Mom and Bec reminded me that I also have Rubbermade containers of crap stuff to sort. This is all in preparation for moving in with Megan in June - YAY!

Monday I went over to my soon to be new apartment and met the landlord and also in the spirit of being proactive I brought over 4 boxes of stuff. I figure that I am sort of SOL when it comes to moving in sor several reasons:

1) Both Megan and Maia will be away when I move in (they will be in Hawaii when I should be moving in - color me jealous)and they are the go to people for organizing people and helping out

2) June 1 is actually a Monday so hopefully the current roomate will be out or atleast not mind if I move in on May 31st???? Is that even allowed? I just can't imagine anyone helping me on a Monday - and help I will need!

3) I have a double bed and no way to move it in - I am hoping that someone has a truck and is willing to help me out for like an hour - anyone????

So my current plan is to move things in slowly before actually moving in because I think I'm going to be doing it all by myself and I dont't want to die from exhaustion.

On Saturday I also went to my orientation for the online course I am taking this summer. I am SO screwed in trouble - I for some ridiculous reason thought that taking an online course would make it easier to...I don't know live my life? Be more or less able to come and go as I please but I am sadly mistaken. It turns out I have homework to hand in every Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. Honestly! I realized yesterday why there is such a heavy work load - it's because I have to teach myself everything in the course. Color me dumbfounded! Why didn't I think of this. Driving to Surrey once a week now does not seem like such a bad idea after I have spent 10 hours doing homework this week - yeah 10 hours. And compared to the other people in my 'learning group' I think I did a pretty shoddy job. However, I am now done all the homework for the week (you can hand things in early) but I think I may try and work ahead so there isn't so much pressure. Of course, now that I am thinking about it I don't see much time to do that in the coming days. *Sigh* Oh brother...

I did enjoy a wonderful night home alone yesterday - I do truly love to be alone. Mom called last night to see how things were and I told her that I was scared being alone in the house and she "Really?" all excited but then I burst her bubble and laughed saying "No are you kidding me? I LOVE it!" Living for a year by myself in London was HEAVEN! However, I'm sure living with Megan will be fabulous and I am very excited!

1 comment:

Megs said...

phhhh you know it!

And try not to worry, it will all get sorted out! and you will be moved in :D