Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bits and pieces

*For as long as I can remember my hands have been cold with the exception of when I am sick. When I am sick my hands are warm. Since I am currently sick my hands are warm however I have noticed that they are cooling down - hopefully this means that I can expect to feel better soon.
*My boss came back from her holiday and I told her that I won't be staying on after December. She took the news a lot better than I thought she would. I think that is partly because right before I told her she got an email from a previous employee exspressing interest and resuming her role in the finance department.
*I'm totally bummed out that I will be missing my mom's birthday. I can't remember ever not being with her on her birthday. I have sent her present to her already so she should get it soon - look at me being all organized and everything.
*I have totally lost my appetite. I've been trying to force myself to eat but most of the food available turns my stomach at just the thought of eating it. I hope I feel better soon.

1 comment:

Megs said...

first your comment totally made me laught OUT LOUD!

second. um i hope you feel better soon!

third. i sure hope that your hands getting cold mean you are feeling better...

fourth. I Y Q!!!!!