Thursday, August 16, 2007


So while I was enjoying a movie with my friends my Grandpa Cherry passed away. My uncle Ashley called and left a message on my cell and one on the machine at the flat - lucky me I got the news twice. I also got to tell my sister-in-law and my sisters the sad news. Thankfully my sister-in-law told my brother and my mother. It takes a lot out of you telling people that someone they love very much is gone and they will never speak to them again. I'm still in shock myself - it was expected but it's still very much so shocking. Death is so final it's the only thing that truly lasts forever - at least as forever as the human mind can handle. Thankfully my grandfather was a Christian and I am too so I can rest assured in the comfort that I will see him again - just not on this earth. It's just so sad for me to know that he will never meet my husband, he will never see his great-grandchildren - there are so many things that he will never do but he was content with his life and he was ready to go. That's all that you can ever hope for a person - that they be truly content with their life and be ready for it to end. At the ripe old age of 24 I can't imagine being ready to go on to my heavenly father but that's because I haven't done any of the wonderful things that my grandfather did yet. I can only hope that once I have then I too can pass over with peace in my heart.

1 comment:

Megs said...

sarah, i'm sorry for your loss. i'll be pryaing for you and your family.

I am excited to hear about your job though. good for you.

let me know how things are k?