Saturday, October 07, 2006

Pain, pain go away...

My head is KILLING ME!! And has been for the last few days. No matter how many pills I take or even what I take it doesn't ever help. But my pain is nothing compared to Mom's. She's had a really bad hip for the past few weeks. She went to the doctor's last friday and she said it was probably a pinched nerve. Mom got X-rays done and she found out on this Friday that she has athritis in her hip as well as her discs in her back are compressed and are pinching a nerve. Because of the reno at church they took out the internal vacuum and gave her an upright one. Doc says it's the twisting motion used to use a vacuum like that that caused her discs to compress. She will never be pain free again but it is possible that the pain may be lessened. Anyways, I was at church today vacuuming for her just doing what I can to help her out. She is such a trooper but I know she is in a ton of pain. So right now we're just taking it one day at a time and praying that the pain will be manageable. Such is the life.


Megs said...

man! dang vaccumm! do you want me to beat it up!?! cuz you know i will....
glad to see you in cyberland!

Flip Flops Anonymous said...

cherry!! you have a blog?! since when?! this is so fun!! be sure to stop by my blog anytime :)

Flip Flops Anonymous said...

I will be praying for both you and your mum...