Thursday, December 21, 2006

Next Year...

So Emma and Steve came over for family dinner last night and it turns out that Em and I are going to be in the same class come January. We're both taking "Accounting I" on Monday nights (I am also taking Business Math on Wednesday Nights - woot). I think it will be a lot of fun being in the same class as Emma. We had such a blast working together a few months back when she was helping me out at work.
On a side note she mentioned that she was a bit frustrated because everyone calls her "Emma Cherry" now - not just plain "Emma" - I just smiled and nodded because everyone calls me "Sarah Cherry" rarely is it ever "Sarah". I think it has a lot to do with the last name. It's just a FUN last name - like "Snowball" (I've noticed that a lot of people do the same to Rachel). I dare say that this is something my dear sister-in-law will just need to get used to. Personally, I don't mind it kind of makes me smile when I hear "Sarah Cherry!" shouted across the church or living room or where ever we are - because at least you know who I am. HAHA!


Flip Flops Anonymous said...

HAHA!! SARAH CHERRY!! Ya, you definitely have a cool last name. People never yell my full name across a room. It's just too, "different" ;) Actually, I do recall a couple of people who like to yell the full thing...people are funny. Heh heh. I'll try to remember to call Emma just plain Emma. OR, now that I know it bugs her, I'll call her Emma Cherry ALL THE TIME ;)

Megs said...

i know and love who you are miss. cherry