Monday, November 20, 2006

So - Who are you going to be...

Yesterday Maia asked me 'Who' I was going to be for her fairytale birthday party and at that point I had no real anwer - but now I do.

I am going to be...drumroll please...Fariane - Empress of Flanaria - insert stunned silence here

Okay so none of you know who that is which is fine because I made her up - haha

A few years ago I wrote a short sci-fi/fantasy novel and Fariane was my heroine.

Now I'm really excited about your party Maia - I was kind of dreading it before - you know trying to dress up all pretty and stuff can be hard for some people but now if I look weird it's because I'm the ruler of an inter-galactic Empire from far far away - haha!


Flip Flops Anonymous said...

Flanaria eh? Kinda reminds me of Plumeria!! (ok, it's a stretch, but that's what I thought of!!). So what is this chick like?! What does a ruler of an inter-galactic Empire wear?! I'm picturing Queen Amidala from Star Wars...funky hair, white face make-up and lots of 'poof'...can't wait!! :)

Flip Flops Anonymous said...

ps - dressing up pretty being difficult? for YOU?! Phhh, C'MON!! You're a BABE Miss Cherry ;) Luv ya!!

Flip Flops Anonymous said...
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Megs said...

YAY! i love dressin' up... i'm sort of screwed though, too much to do and not enbugh time...and this weekend is a write off. MEH. I'll through somehting together to wear

Flip Flops Anonymous said...

You looked absolutely beautiful last night :) Sarah DOES mean 'princess'!!